Monday, May 09, 2011

we interrupt our regularly scheduled program...

This month marks this blog's two year anniversary and we'd like to stop and take a moment to say, "thank you," to our readers.

Like most bloggers, when we began, we were hoping for an audience, or at least a few visitors every now and again. But this has been far more successful than we ever would have imagined it would be. Now, as we enter our third year, we have 300 followers and are approaching 200,000 hits.

So, to everyone who visits this blog: thank you. I am happy that so many people, from so many parts of the world, seem to have found some entertainment and amusement here. I hope that you will continue to do so. Thank you.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress.

Noddy Blue


asher said...

Congrats on the 2 years!

Noddy Blue said...

Thanks, eh!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on two years of very entertaining pornography, humor, music references, and all the stuff you give us to think about! Long may you run!

Noddy Blue said...

Thank you, sir!